Having finally found a Triad in my local Kmart, I instantly fell in love with it and thought I would share my thoughts.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Nerf Elite Triad EX-3 Review (20m grey trigger Aus version)
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Loadouts 9: Offence - Scouting 1
Full on offensive or defensive play might work in a small area, but for games like campus-wide HvZ games and the like, you don't know exactly who is where, and so you need scouts to know what the opponents are up to. Many of the loadouts will be similar but not quite identical to CQC, due to a lot of CQC's loadouts being focused on light weight and maneuverability.
Scout/Recon loadouts are also suited to run and gun players, because they are very light and maneuverable.
Scenario Description: Extremely large playing field, long game time, player intends to scout playing field (or specific area) to observe opponent's movements and plans, player is prepared to combat a few enemies but not many
Keys to Victory: Light, maneuverable loadouts, high fitness level (expect a lot of running), certain level of stealth such as light footsteps (light footwear recommended), long-range communication such as walkie talkies recommended but not always necessary, ability to either take out opponent quickly or escape easily, retreating if the conflict is taking too long or you're outnumbered
Unnecessary Burdens: Large amounts of ammo, large and heavy blasters, large amounts of fancy gear, any train of thought saying that you have to win every engagement
Clip (Mag) System 1
Primary: Elite/N-strike Alpha Trooper CS-12/18 (12/18 darts clips [mags], minimal tacticool)
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 18 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: ROF, maneuverability, capacity, reloading
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about
Description: The AT is a lightweight and well performing blaster which can also be obtained for very reasonable prices. It is ideal for many purposes, one of which is mobile firepower due to its minimal weight and smallish size. It can put out quite a few darts very quickly at a reasonable range, and as a scout you'll want to be able to finish your conflicts quickly, lest you be overrun by opponents. A powerful single shot is helpful for providing potshots in the event that you have to psuedo-snipe an opponent to avoid being spotted and caught. Sure you don't have quite the same power as a proper sniper, but as a scout you don't have the space or time to waste on a sniper which you won't use too often.
Clip (Mag) System 2
Primary: Recon CS-6/Elite Retaliator (12 darts clips [mags], no tacticool or just stock)
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 12 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: Maneuverability, capacity, reloading
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about
Description: While I do say that the AT/EAT is probably the best all rounded CS blaster you can get, the Recon/Retaliator can still be useful, especially when you'll be running a lot. It's even smaller and lighter than the AT, although loses some ROF to do so. The Recon/Retal still performs decently, and as a scout you don't need fantastic performance.
Clip (Mag) System 3
Primary: Elite Stryfe/Rayven / N-Strike Rayven (12/18 darts clips [mags], little or no tacticool)
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 18 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: Maneuverability, capacity, reloading, ROF
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about, revving up to fire
Description: Clip (mag) system flywheelers are small, compact and surprisingly powerful blasters capable of putting out a good amount of darts very quickly. As a scout this can help you get out of engagements quickly, as you don't have the armament or ammo to take on several opponents. As with the other CS blasters listed above, the small size and low weight make for minimal hindrance when running around. It can be a pain to rev up, but taking advantage of some cover to rev up can let you take out your opponent in one burst, without using up all your ammo. Because the flywheelers are even more inaccurate than ordinary CS blasters, and due to the ability to empty clips (mags) extremely quickly, you'll be relying a lot on your single shot for accurate shots and for cover during your frequent reloads.
Vortex 1

Primary: Vortex Praxis/Lumitron (little or no tacticool, 10/20 disc mags)
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Vortex Ammo Belt or similar
Ammo: Few backup mags (max size 20 discs), ammo for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile disc firepower that is light
Strengths: Maneuverability, reloading, range, accuracy
Weaknesses: ROF not as good as slam-fire
Description: The Praxis, without the stock, is a surprisingly compact blaster with somewhat of a shotgun like design. It is light and performs extremely well, making it ideal for scouts who want a little more performance from their primary. Obviously because it's disc blasters, finding ammo will be harder than with dart blasters, but the improved range and accuracy over dart blasters means you can make more of your shots count. You shouldn't be relying as much on your secondary for precision shots due to the accuracy of Vortex blasters, and you should instead use it for long range potshots, saving your discs for close combat or well placed shots.
Multishot 1
Primary: Elite RoughCut 2x4
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide the ability to put out several darts quickly simultaneously with low weight
Strengths: ROF, maneuverability, multishot
Weaknesses: Low amount of shots (4 effective shots), reloading is slow, accuracy
Description: The RoughCut is capable of putting out several darts very quickly thanks to its multishot ability and slam-fire, making it extremely dangerous if you can get close to your opponent. As a scout, you should be prepared to do a lot of running, so running up to your opponent to barrage them with darts should not be much of a problem. You should be able to ensure at least 2 hits on opponents in this way, giving you time to reload and/or retreat. You'll definitely be relying on your secondary for accuracy and range, since the RoughCut is quite inaccurate. You'll also need to keep your secondary loaded up, because the RoughCut is extremely easy to empty and has a low capacity considering its double shot ability.
Multishot/Vortex 2
Primary: Vortex Diatron
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Ammo pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts/discs
Purpose: To provide multishot disc ability with low weight
Strengths: Multishot, range, accuracy
Weaknesses: Low amount of shots (5 effective shots), reloading is slow, ROF not as good as RoughCut
Description: The Diatron is capable of more accurate sustained fire than the RoughCut, due to a higher capacity, lower ROF and better accuracy. This can make its suppression fire more effective in some circumstances, as well as giving you more time to retreat should you need to escape from combat. In times when you decide to stand and fight, the Diatron's superior accuracy and range compared to the RoughCut means you can get good shots off more consistently and from further away, but the reduced ROF compared to the RoughCut means that you aren't as effective in close quarters. Again you'll be relying on the single shot for long range shots because of the ammo wastage caused by the Diatron's multishot. You'll also want to rely on your single shot when low on ammo, because you have to load two discs into the Diatron for it to fire.
Dart Tag 1
Primary: Dart Tag Quick 16
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide high capacity slam-fire without clips/mags
Strengths: Capacity, ROF, accuracy, reloading a few darts
Weaknesses: High jam rate/chance, reloading lots of darts, range
Description: Though the Quick 16 is an older blaster, it still has its uses, being one of very few high capacity blasters which is not clip/mag fed. It has slam-fire and 16 dart capacity, allowing for significant spraying, and the accuracy offered due to it not being clip/mag system means you can get more hits more quickly. The Quick 16 is notorious for jamming, but by taking good care of the blaster and using it properly, jam rates should be minimised, enough to take down at least one opponent with no jams. As a non-Elite/Vortex blaster, and the only DT blaster not upgraded, the Quick 16 can't compete against other blasters in terms of range, but the accuracy, ROF and capacity let you spray down opponents from close range quickly and accurately.
Dart Tag 2

Primary: Dart Tag Furyfire
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To weigh down the user as little as possible with decent firepower
Strengths: Accuracy, superlightweight, maneuverability
Weaknesses: Reloading
Description: The Furyfire is a small, light blaster with decent capacity and good performance, making it ideal for scouts, and also is not clip/mag fed making it one of the lightest loadouts here. Though you won't be spraying down opponents or firing long range suppression shots repeatedly, the Furyfire gives a balance of range, ROF and capacity allowing you to hold your own in CQC against a small number of opponents. Without a high ROF or capacity, you'll eventually be overrun by several opponents, but for small skirmishes the Furyfire can hold its own.
Scout/Recon loadouts are also suited to run and gun players, because they are very light and maneuverable.
Scenario Description: Extremely large playing field, long game time, player intends to scout playing field (or specific area) to observe opponent's movements and plans, player is prepared to combat a few enemies but not many
Keys to Victory: Light, maneuverable loadouts, high fitness level (expect a lot of running), certain level of stealth such as light footsteps (light footwear recommended), long-range communication such as walkie talkies recommended but not always necessary, ability to either take out opponent quickly or escape easily, retreating if the conflict is taking too long or you're outnumbered
Unnecessary Burdens: Large amounts of ammo, large and heavy blasters, large amounts of fancy gear, any train of thought saying that you have to win every engagement
Clip (Mag) System 1
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 18 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: ROF, maneuverability, capacity, reloading
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about
Description: The AT is a lightweight and well performing blaster which can also be obtained for very reasonable prices. It is ideal for many purposes, one of which is mobile firepower due to its minimal weight and smallish size. It can put out quite a few darts very quickly at a reasonable range, and as a scout you'll want to be able to finish your conflicts quickly, lest you be overrun by opponents. A powerful single shot is helpful for providing potshots in the event that you have to psuedo-snipe an opponent to avoid being spotted and caught. Sure you don't have quite the same power as a proper sniper, but as a scout you don't have the space or time to waste on a sniper which you won't use too often.
Primary: Recon CS-6/Elite Retaliator (12 darts clips [mags], no tacticool or just stock)
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 12 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: Maneuverability, capacity, reloading
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about
Description: While I do say that the AT/EAT is probably the best all rounded CS blaster you can get, the Recon/Retaliator can still be useful, especially when you'll be running a lot. It's even smaller and lighter than the AT, although loses some ROF to do so. The Recon/Retal still performs decently, and as a scout you don't need fantastic performance.
Clip (Mag) System 3
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Tactical Vest/custom made belt, small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags) (max size 18 darts), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile and light clip (mag) system goodness
Strengths: Maneuverability, capacity, reloading, ROF
Weaknesses: Accuracy (primary), clips (mags) take up significant space and can rattle about, revving up to fire
Description: Clip (mag) system flywheelers are small, compact and surprisingly powerful blasters capable of putting out a good amount of darts very quickly. As a scout this can help you get out of engagements quickly, as you don't have the armament or ammo to take on several opponents. As with the other CS blasters listed above, the small size and low weight make for minimal hindrance when running around. It can be a pain to rev up, but taking advantage of some cover to rev up can let you take out your opponent in one burst, without using up all your ammo. Because the flywheelers are even more inaccurate than ordinary CS blasters, and due to the ability to empty clips (mags) extremely quickly, you'll be relying a lot on your single shot for accurate shots and for cover during your frequent reloads.
Vortex 1
Primary: Vortex Praxis/Lumitron (little or no tacticool, 10/20 disc mags)
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Vortex Ammo Belt or similar
Ammo: Few backup mags (max size 20 discs), ammo for secondary
Purpose: To provide versatile disc firepower that is light
Strengths: Maneuverability, reloading, range, accuracy
Weaknesses: ROF not as good as slam-fire
Description: The Praxis, without the stock, is a surprisingly compact blaster with somewhat of a shotgun like design. It is light and performs extremely well, making it ideal for scouts who want a little more performance from their primary. Obviously because it's disc blasters, finding ammo will be harder than with dart blasters, but the improved range and accuracy over dart blasters means you can make more of your shots count. You shouldn't be relying as much on your secondary for precision shots due to the accuracy of Vortex blasters, and you should instead use it for long range potshots, saving your discs for close combat or well placed shots.
Multishot 1
Primary: Elite RoughCut 2x4
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide the ability to put out several darts quickly simultaneously with low weight
Strengths: ROF, maneuverability, multishot
Weaknesses: Low amount of shots (4 effective shots), reloading is slow, accuracy
Description: The RoughCut is capable of putting out several darts very quickly thanks to its multishot ability and slam-fire, making it extremely dangerous if you can get close to your opponent. As a scout, you should be prepared to do a lot of running, so running up to your opponent to barrage them with darts should not be much of a problem. You should be able to ensure at least 2 hits on opponents in this way, giving you time to reload and/or retreat. You'll definitely be relying on your secondary for accuracy and range, since the RoughCut is quite inaccurate. You'll also need to keep your secondary loaded up, because the RoughCut is extremely easy to empty and has a low capacity considering its double shot ability.
Multishot/Vortex 2
Primary: Vortex Diatron
Secondary: High capacity single shot (e.g. Elite Triad EX-3)
Gear: Ammo pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts/discs
Purpose: To provide multishot disc ability with low weight
Strengths: Multishot, range, accuracy
Weaknesses: Low amount of shots (5 effective shots), reloading is slow, ROF not as good as RoughCut
Description: The Diatron is capable of more accurate sustained fire than the RoughCut, due to a higher capacity, lower ROF and better accuracy. This can make its suppression fire more effective in some circumstances, as well as giving you more time to retreat should you need to escape from combat. In times when you decide to stand and fight, the Diatron's superior accuracy and range compared to the RoughCut means you can get good shots off more consistently and from further away, but the reduced ROF compared to the RoughCut means that you aren't as effective in close quarters. Again you'll be relying on the single shot for long range shots because of the ammo wastage caused by the Diatron's multishot. You'll also want to rely on your single shot when low on ammo, because you have to load two discs into the Diatron for it to fire.
Dart Tag 1
Primary: Dart Tag Quick 16
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide high capacity slam-fire without clips/mags
Strengths: Capacity, ROF, accuracy, reloading a few darts
Weaknesses: High jam rate/chance, reloading lots of darts, range
Description: Though the Quick 16 is an older blaster, it still has its uses, being one of very few high capacity blasters which is not clip/mag fed. It has slam-fire and 16 dart capacity, allowing for significant spraying, and the accuracy offered due to it not being clip/mag system means you can get more hits more quickly. The Quick 16 is notorious for jamming, but by taking good care of the blaster and using it properly, jam rates should be minimised, enough to take down at least one opponent with no jams. As a non-Elite/Vortex blaster, and the only DT blaster not upgraded, the Quick 16 can't compete against other blasters in terms of range, but the accuracy, ROF and capacity let you spray down opponents from close range quickly and accurately.
Dart Tag 2
Primary: Dart Tag Furyfire
Secondary: Powerful single shot (e.g. Nitefinder EX-3)
Gear: Dart pouch of reasonable size
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To weigh down the user as little as possible with decent firepower
Strengths: Accuracy, superlightweight, maneuverability
Weaknesses: Reloading
Description: The Furyfire is a small, light blaster with decent capacity and good performance, making it ideal for scouts, and also is not clip/mag fed making it one of the lightest loadouts here. Though you won't be spraying down opponents or firing long range suppression shots repeatedly, the Furyfire gives a balance of range, ROF and capacity allowing you to hold your own in CQC against a small number of opponents. Without a high ROF or capacity, you'll eventually be overrun by several opponents, but for small skirmishes the Furyfire can hold its own.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Loadouts 8: CQC 2
Scenario Description: Close range combat with lots of walls
and other obstacles in the way. Range not particularly important.
Usually few players, thus usually small or no teams.
Keys to Victory: Mobility/maneuverability, adapting quickly to changes in scenario, fast firing blasters with short reload times.
Unnecessary Burdens: Weight, bulk, excessive amounts of ammo, slow firing blasters, large blasters, unnecessary sidearms, unnecessary attachments.
Clip (Mag) System 3

Primary: Elite Stryfe/Rayven / N-Strike Rayven (12/18 clips [mags], small tacticool if desired)
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad)
Gear: Small clip (mag) carrying ability (e.g. Tac Vest), small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide rapid fire ability from clip (mag) system flywheelers
Strengths: ROF, reloading, capacity, maneuverability
Weaknesses: Accuracy, have to rev up
Description: Clip (mag) system flywheelers are quite small, and thus are ideal for running around in close quarters. They are capable of spewing out darts extremely quickly, which can be lethal in close quarters. The need to rev up can be a pain, but in close quarters you don't need a high flywheel RPM to be effective with a flywheeler, since range is not particularly necessary. Thus you can rev up the flywheel only to about a third of its maximum RPM, and still be devastatingly effective in close quarters.
Multishot 1
Primary: Elite RoughCut 2x4
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad) or revolver (e.g. Elite Strongarm)
Gear: Dart pouch
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide rapid fire multishot provided by the RoughCut
Strengths: ROF, multishot, maneuverability, reloading while still loaded
Weaknesses: Accuracy, reloading
Description: The RoughCut is the first modern Nerf blaster to be able to fire multiple darts several times (ie 2 darts 4 times). The multishot ability makes it incredibly dangerous in CQC, and slam fire means you can take down several opponents quickly. The RoughCut does not have as many shots as a lot of blasters, being only 4 effective shots, so you'll need a decent backup blaster for while you reload.
Multishot/Vortex 2
Primary: Vortex Diatron
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad)
Gear: Dart/disc pouch
Ammo: Suitable darts/discs
Purpose: To provide high capacity multishot ability
Strengths: Multishot, reloading while still loaded, capacity, accuracy
Weaknesses: ROF is slightly lacking (lever action)
Description: The Diatron is the Vortex equivalent of the RoughCut, and has a higher capacity but lower ROF. Nevertheless, multishot ability is always incredibly dangerous in close quarters. Although the Diatron can't put out discs as fast as the RoughCut puts out darts, it can spew discs out for a little longer, potentially allowing for more hits on opponents and more effective suppression/blind potshot fire.
Keys to Victory: Mobility/maneuverability, adapting quickly to changes in scenario, fast firing blasters with short reload times.
Unnecessary Burdens: Weight, bulk, excessive amounts of ammo, slow firing blasters, large blasters, unnecessary sidearms, unnecessary attachments.
Clip (Mag) System 3
Primary: Elite Stryfe/Rayven / N-Strike Rayven (12/18 clips [mags], small tacticool if desired)
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad)
Gear: Small clip (mag) carrying ability (e.g. Tac Vest), small dart pouch
Ammo: Few backup clips (mags), darts for secondary
Purpose: To provide rapid fire ability from clip (mag) system flywheelers
Strengths: ROF, reloading, capacity, maneuverability
Weaknesses: Accuracy, have to rev up
Description: Clip (mag) system flywheelers are quite small, and thus are ideal for running around in close quarters. They are capable of spewing out darts extremely quickly, which can be lethal in close quarters. The need to rev up can be a pain, but in close quarters you don't need a high flywheel RPM to be effective with a flywheeler, since range is not particularly necessary. Thus you can rev up the flywheel only to about a third of its maximum RPM, and still be devastatingly effective in close quarters.
Multishot 1
Primary: Elite RoughCut 2x4
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad) or revolver (e.g. Elite Strongarm)
Gear: Dart pouch
Ammo: Suitable darts
Purpose: To provide rapid fire multishot provided by the RoughCut
Strengths: ROF, multishot, maneuverability, reloading while still loaded
Weaknesses: Accuracy, reloading
Description: The RoughCut is the first modern Nerf blaster to be able to fire multiple darts several times (ie 2 darts 4 times). The multishot ability makes it incredibly dangerous in CQC, and slam fire means you can take down several opponents quickly. The RoughCut does not have as many shots as a lot of blasters, being only 4 effective shots, so you'll need a decent backup blaster for while you reload.
Multishot/Vortex 2
Primary: Vortex Diatron
Secondary: Small single shot pistol (e.g. "Elite" Jolt, Elite Triad)
Gear: Dart/disc pouch
Ammo: Suitable darts/discs
Purpose: To provide high capacity multishot ability
Strengths: Multishot, reloading while still loaded, capacity, accuracy
Weaknesses: ROF is slightly lacking (lever action)
Description: The Diatron is the Vortex equivalent of the RoughCut, and has a higher capacity but lower ROF. Nevertheless, multishot ability is always incredibly dangerous in close quarters. Although the Diatron can't put out discs as fast as the RoughCut puts out darts, it can spew discs out for a little longer, potentially allowing for more hits on opponents and more effective suppression/blind potshot fire.
Nerf N-Strike vs Elite Round 3: Alpha Trooper CS-18 vs Elite Alpha Trooper CS-12
Alpha Trooper,
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Nerf N-Strike vs Elite Round 2: Firestrike (Aus version) vs Nitefinder EX-3 (EDITED 3/7/14)
The second round of Elite vs N-Strike will be their single shot equivalents, the Nitefinder and Firestrike.
EDIT 3/7/14: Having picked up a pair of non-freak Firestrikes, the comparison will be altered accordingly.
EDIT 3/7/14: Having picked up a pair of non-freak Firestrikes, the comparison will be altered accordingly.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Comparison: Nerf N-Strike Alpha Trooper CS-18 vs Raider CS-35
Alpha Trooper,
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Nerf Elite Comparison: Alpha Trooper CS-12 vs Retaliator (grey trigger)
I'll be comparing the Elite Alpha and the Retaliator, because of their similarities and ancestor, the Recon CS-6. That and so I can justify why you should get one over another.
Alpha Trooper,
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Nerf Elite Triad EX-3 Usage Tips
Just some extra tips on my favourite single shot.
- Take out the dart post. Using needle nose pliers, grasp the tip of the dart post in each barrel, twist and pull them off. Make sure to not bend the posts, otherwise darts may get stuck in the barrel. It allows you to use streamlines effectively. Trust me, I've actually won a TDM game with the Triad.
- Always keep it topped up with darts. 3 darts isn't much, and you can run out of ammo very quickly especially when you're rapid firing the Triad. Also because of the 'intelligent' AR system, it doesn't matter which barrel you load.
- When modding the Triad DO NOT take out the ARs. Unless you're planning to turn your Triad into a pocket shotgun, don't take out the ARs, as that can destroy the whole 'smart' firing system.
- If you can't fit the Triad in your pocket, then make a holster. Link for how to make the holster is here. While the Triad does perform very well, it does not have the ROF or capacity to take on larger 'primary' blasters in a straight firefight, and hence you should use it as a backup blaster.
- Take advantage of the Triad's high ROF. No other single shot blaster is capable of putting out several darts quickly. With the Triad's ROF, you can hold out against more than one opponent, which is near impossible with other single shots. Additionally, in a single shot vs single shot war, you can exploit the Triad's ROF by rushing after your opponent fires.
- Do not use the Triad offensively against primary like blasters. Examples of such primary blasters are Elite ATs, Longshots and Retaliators. Although the Triad is superior to single shot pistols, capacity and ROF wise it is still inferior to most primary blasters. 3 shots in 2 seconds from the Triad is nothing compared to 12 shots in 2 seconds from an EAT, or 25 shots in ~5 seconds from a Rampage.
- If you have the space/ability to wield two Triads, dual wield. Because Triads are easy to prime with just a single finger and have a very short priming stroke, they are much more suited to dual wielding than traditional blasters like the Maverick/Strongarm. Additionally dual wielding doubles your capacity and potential dart output, while not drastically decreasing accuracy or mobility. Triads are small enough to run, roll and fire comfortably even when dual wielded, and their low weight means they can be aimed effectively with one hand.
And... that's about it.
I'll update this post as I discover more.
Usage Tips
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