Tuesday 9 August 2011

Stampede Mods

I've done the following mods to my Stampede:
-AR removal
-Air release hole filled
-'Servulus' spring (10+kg load)
For indoor wars, I use the stock spring (no need for epic ranges).

Stock spring:
Streamlines: 13-14m
Lite/Heavy silis: 14-15m

Serv spring:
Streamlines: 25m
Heavy silis: 30m or so

I highly recommend the Serv springs, which can be purchased off Oznerf from 'Servulus'.

1 comment:

  1. i found this blaster called "cyber shot" at a local dollar store. the blaster itself is worthless, but the three darts that come with it are devastating.... I use them in my modded nitefinder and i swear they can make small children cry. It says "super safe foam" but the tips are hard rubber and have the most balanced weight of any dart ive used. They are consistent in accuracy and distance!
