Tuesday 1 October 2013

HFCBE - Nerf Longstrike CS-6

The Longstrike is one of Nerf's bolt action clip (mag) system blasters, seemingly designed to be a sort of rifle. As it happens, the Longstrike is one of the weakest blasters in the N-Strike line, but we're not concerned with range at the moment. All we're concerned with is how fast it can empty an 18 clip (mag).

Time: 6.48

No. darts: 18
ROF: 2.623dps or 157.4dpm


  1. what is HFCBE?????

    1. HFCBE stands for "How Fast Can it Be Emptied?" which is the name of my YouTube series. In it I try to empty blasters as fast as possible using suitable clips/mags/whatever to get an indication of the blaster's potential Rate Of Fire (ROF).
