-Super short paper barrel with a twist-fit with Nerf darts
-Tac rail from Reflex glued on
-10 dart holders
1 pump:
8-9m, 30ft
Suctions and Whistlers
2 pumps:
13m, 45ft
>15m, >49(?)ft
3 pumps:
>15m, >49ft
Suctions and Whistlers
Sadly my house isn't big enough for a full range test. :P
EDIT: The paper barrel broke, so I taped on a crayola barrel.
Ranges are more than 15m with 2 pumps, using hot glue streamlines. And almost no dart drop. Also really accurate.
EDIT: (Terribly measured, poorly shot) ranges
Disregard all these range claims, they're probably all rubbish.