
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Alpha Trooper vs Raider Slam-Fire Off

I finally completed my AT vs Raider slam-fire off vid after months of procrastination.
The AT's ROF is 6.32dps, while the Raider's is 6.00dps.
I personally far prefer the AT, but some people might prefer the Raider. In any case, the point of this vid was simply to compare slam-fire speeds.

Friday 8 March 2013

Nerf Elite "Mega" - Opinion/Rant

With the release of info and a pic of the Nerf Elite Mega line from MLD (link left), numerous thoughts come to mind, and I thought I would document them all in a single huge post.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Nerf 'Elite' Jolt Mini Review

I picked up an 'Elite' Jolt for $5, wondering if it was any better than an N-Strike Jolt, or was really just a blue Jolt with fancy orange bits on the front.
As the Elite Jolt is so similar to an N-Strike Jolt, I've left some details out, but they can be found in the Jolt's review.

As made obvious by the picture above, the Elite Jolt comes in a blister package, with itself and 2 Elite darts. Pretty much the same as a regular Jolt (except of course the darts).